GEOL 101 Chapter 14 Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Dunes that form when vegetation cover is broken from a deflation hollow or blowout
  2. 3. A broad, flat-topped erosional remnant bounded by steep slopes
  3. 7. A dry lakebed on the desert floor
  4. 8. ___ bedding is when layers are deposited at an angle to the surface beds
  5. 10. Dunes that have long, parallel ridges of sand aligned perpendicular to the direction of prevailing winds
  6. 14. ______ load is the way silt and clay are transported
  7. 15. Feature that forms around an obstruction that stops sand grains
  8. 16. ____ effect is apparent deflection of moving objects because of Earth’s rotation
  9. 17. Weathering that is dominant in desert regions
  10. 18. Steep sided erosional remnant
  11. 20. ____ pavement is close fitting pebbles and cobbles caused by wind eroding away smaller particles
  1. 2. Wind-blown deposits of silt and clay
  2. 4. The way most sand is moved near the ground surface
  3. 5. Wind eroded depression that result from differential erosion of surface material
  4. 6. Most mobile of the major dune types
  5. 9. An erosional surface of low relief that slopes gently away from a mountain range
  6. 11. Caused by the impact off saltating sand grains on an object
  7. 12. A mesa that has eroded into a pillar-like structure
  8. 13. The transformation of formerly productive lands into deserts
  9. 15. The process that creates desert pavement
  10. 19. Stone shaped by wind abrasion