
  1. 1. North America is located on the ___ plate
  2. 4. When one tectonic plate goes under another
  3. 6. Tectonic plates are on top of earths ____
  4. 7. Tectonic plates only ____ a few centimetres a year
  5. 9. Africa is located on the ____ plate
  6. 11. ____ Plate
  7. 12. Erupts
  8. 15. When the ground moves
  9. 17. Hawaii was created by the ____ plate
  10. 19. South America is located on the ___ plate
  11. 20. There are ____ tectonic plates
  1. 2. Asia is located on the ____ plate
  2. 3. Antarctica is located on the ____ plate
  3. 5. Australia is located on the ____ plate
  4. 8. The part of earth that tectonic plates are on
  5. 10. When tectonic plates ____ it can cause earthquakes
  6. 13. The earth's crust is also called the ____
  7. 14. When plates shift, they can cause a ___
  8. 16. Tectonic plates can ____
  9. 18. Tectonic plates are ____ like a puzzle