Geology Review

  1. 4. A fossil fuel formed in the swamps
  2. 5. A resource that cannot be replaced in our lifetime
  3. 7. This force builds up something
  4. 8. This landform is created by sediments being deposited at the end of a river
  5. 10. Breaks rocks down
  6. 14. This forms a U-Shaped Valley
  7. 15. the protection and saving of resources
  8. 16. A fossil fuel formed in the ocean
  1. 1. This landform has steep sides and a river at the bottom of it
  2. 2. This landform is created by plate tectonics
  3. 3. What coal is made out of
  4. 6. Sediments are dropped off in a new location
  5. 8. This force destroys something
  6. 9. A resource that can be replaced in our lifetime
  7. 11. Movement of rocks to a new place
  8. 12. Layers of Sediment cement together
  9. 13. Layers of Sediment building up over time