geom math

  1. 4. statement which is accepted as true without proof
  2. 6. one of the techniques to solve QE ex. 4x^2-36=0 = (2x-6)^2
  3. 7. solution of quadratic equation
  4. 9. one method that is used to find the solutions to a quadratic (second degree) equation
  5. 11. have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
  6. 12. what is -b-4ac?
  7. 15. process to find the roots.ex. √x=2 =(√x)^2=(2)^2 = x=4
  1. 1. two triangles are congruent if and only if their corresponding parts are congruent
  2. 2. sometimes it can be solved by square root property
  3. 3. factors can be written in the form of square of binomial
  4. 5. perpendicular segment from the vertex to the line containing the opposite side
  5. 8. divide the parabola into two equal parts
  6. 10. equation in which at least one variable expression is stuck inside a radical, usually a square root
  7. 13. segment whose endpoints are vertex of a triangle and the midpoint of the opposite side
  8. 14. logical question which each statement you make is backed up by a statement