  1. 2. undefined,no shape or size,rep. by a dot, indenfies a location
  2. 5. that is always true in geomerty
  3. 8. on the same line
  4. 14. of a line consisting of two points called endpoints and all points between them
  1. 1. middle of a line segment
  2. 3. lines/lines that dont lie on the same plane
  3. 4. in the same plane
  4. 6. of points all of which meet a stated condition
  5. 7. things in common
  6. 9. end point
  7. 10. many lines and extends without end in the directions of its lines
  8. 11. the set of all points
  9. 12. or more lines meet at one point
  10. 13. planes/planes that dont intersect