
  1. 2. A three sided polygon
  2. 4. A part of a line having only one endpoint
  3. 5. A line segment with its endpoints on the circle
  4. 7. The amount of surface of the plane covered by a closed figure
  5. 8. The intersection point of two sides of a plane figure
  6. 11. A polygon with four sides
  7. 12. Line segment from one vertex to another
  8. 13. A quadrilateral whose area is base x height
  9. 14. The sum of the measure of all the sides
  10. 15. A rectangle having all four sides of equal length
  1. 1. Half of the circle
  2. 3. Longest side of a right-angled triangle
  3. 6. A quadrilateral whose area is length x breadth
  4. 9. A line passes through the center of the circle
  5. 10. The distance around the circle