
  1. 2. segment that is in the circle that stretches from one side of the circle to the other
  2. 6. segment whose endpoints are on the circle and inside the circle but don't touch the center
  3. 7. line that intersects a circle at two points but don't touch the center
  4. 9. coplanar circles that have the same center
  5. 11. angle angle whose vertex is the center of the circle
  6. 12. smaller than a semicircle
  7. 13. half the circle
  1. 1. larger than a semicircle
  2. 3. arc with endpoints on the sides of an inscribed angle and whose other points are in the interior of the angle
  3. 4. intersects the circle in one point
  4. 5. segment with one endpoint at the center and the other on the circle
  5. 8. angle where its vertex is on the circle and sides are chords of the circle
  6. 9. spot where the set of all points equidistant from a given point
  7. 10. angle whose vertex is the center of the circle