
  1. 4. distance
  2. 6. a change in shape or size
  3. 8. combinatation of 2 or more transformation
  4. 10. the orignal
  5. 11. slide
  6. 14. bigger scale factor
  7. 16. any quatity with magnitude and direciton
  8. 17. where a vector ends is a poimt
  9. 19. preimage = image
  10. 20. resulting
  1. 1. change in size same shape
  2. 2. flip/ opp orientiation
  3. 3. smaller scale factor
  4. 5. turn
  5. 7. isometery that moves the figure onto itself
  6. 9. in a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the leg is e qual to the square of the length fo the hypotenuse
  7. 12. vector you recieve from adding vectors
  8. 13. where a vector begins is a ponit
  9. 15. translate followed by a reflection is a reflection
  10. 18. point about which a rotation occurs