
  1. 2. A line from the center of a circle to the bounding surface
  2. 5. A rectangle with all sides equal
  3. 7. Line perpendicular to given object
  4. 8. a line segment drawn from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side of the vertex in a triangle
  5. 10. An angle measuring 90 degrees
  6. 12. A part of a curve
  7. 13. A branch of Math that deals with lines, angles and solids
  8. 14. Parallelogram with equal sides
  9. 18. Two lines that are at 90 degrees to each other
  10. 21. A set of points with infinite length but no width or height
  11. 22. A triangle with no equal side or angles
  12. 25. Part of a circle created by a line and connecting arc
  13. 27. A straight line joining two opposite corners of a square, rectangle, or other straight-sided shape
  14. 29. A triangle with 2 sides and angles equal
  1. 1. Angles adding to 180 degrees
  2. 3. A triangle where all sides and angles are equal
  3. 4. A point where two lines cross over at a common point
  4. 6. A straight line that has a beginning but no ending
  5. 9. A line that touches the edge of a curve or circle at one point, but does not cross it
  6. 11. Longest side of a right angle triangle
  7. 15. An angle that measures more than zero degrees but less than 90
  8. 16. Two angles next to each other
  9. 17. Two lines that never cross or touch
  10. 19. Amount of space an object takes up
  11. 20. Parallelogram with angle equal to 90 degree
  12. 23. A unit used to measure an angle
  13. 24. The middle point
  14. 26. The ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle
  15. 28. The amount of space taken up by a 2D shape