
  1. 2. the relationship between a circle's circumference and its diameter
  2. 6. distance around the circle
  3. 8. an angle whose vertex is on the circle's edge
  4. 10. a part of the circle's circumference
  5. 11. a line that intersects a circle at two points
  6. 12. point at which two line segments intersect
  1. 1. a portion of the area of a circle
  2. 2. the relationship between a pumpkin's circumference and its diameter
  3. 3. a line that touches a circle at only one point
  4. 4. lines that intersect to form a right angle
  5. 5. angle angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle
  6. 7. the set of all points equidistant from a central point
  7. 9. a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle
  8. 13. distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle's circumference