
  1. 2. a vector from a point to a point
  2. 3. the middle point of a line segment.
  3. 7. used to measure distances or draw straight lines.
  4. 9. exact position or location on a plane surface
  5. 13. the figure formed by two rays
  6. 14. When two or more lines cross each other in a plane
  7. 15. Lines on a plane that never me
  1. 1. an instrument for measuring angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge
  2. 4. at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface
  3. 5. a part cut off from a figure, especially a circular or spherical one, by a line or plane
  4. 6. n angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square or at the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines.
  5. 8. A measure for angles
  6. 9. a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends indefinitely
  7. 10. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
  8. 11. an angle whose sides lie in opposite directions from the vertex in the same straight line and which equals two right angles.
  9. 12. an interval between two points and claimed it could be extended indefinitely in either