
  1. 2. motions made on a shape
  2. 3. a line that has end points
  3. 5. a line that is exactly 180 degrees
  4. 7. total degree amount of 180
  5. 8. angles that add up to 180 degrees
  6. 14. multiple lines intersecting other lines
  7. 16. transformations on a shape
  1. 1. lines that intersect at a right angle
  2. 4. lines that never intersect
  3. 6. lines that cross each other
  4. 9. opposite of a obtuse line
  5. 10. angles that add up to 90 degrees
  6. 11. exact places on a line
  7. 12. collections of points
  8. 13. nonparallel lines that do not intersect
  9. 15. an angle that is exactly 90 degrees
  10. 17. points that connect to an continuous line