
  1. 2. when a figure is reflected, translated, or rotated and the figure seems unchanged.
  2. 3. a quadrilateral with at least two parallel sides.
  3. 4. the side directly across from the right angle in a right triangle.
  4. 6. a four-sided polygon.
  5. 7. a parallelogram with four congruent sides.
  6. 10. location of a point on the x and y-axes.
  7. 13. a point in which two lines meet at an end.
  8. 15. the ratio of vertical change to horizontal change.
  9. 17. existing on the same plane.
  10. 18. line cutting across a pair of parallel lines.
  11. 19. the meeting point of the three medians in a triangle.
  1. 1. two lines intersecting and creating a 90 degree angle.
  2. 5. the sum of all of the side lengths of a shape.
  3. 8. the exact halfway point between two endpoints.
  4. 9. a branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, planes, and solids and examines their properties.
  5. 11. measuring more than 90 degrees.
  6. 12. a closed figure with 6 sides.
  7. 14. segment whose endpoints are the center of the circle and a point on the circle.
  8. 15. a quadrilateral where all sides are equal and all angles are 90 degrees.
  9. 16. a position in space.