
  1. 4. Smooth curve points.Any portion.
  2. 5. Two straight lines.Are perpendicular.
  3. 6. Round figure.Has no corners.
  4. 8. Plane figure.Four straight sides.
  5. 13. Straight lines.Do not intersect.
  6. 15. Plane figure.Many number.
  7. 16. Plane figure.Has 4 right angles.
  8. 18. Space occupied.Perimeter.
  9. 19. Branch of math.Study of properties.
  1. 1. Linear measurement.Straight line.
  2. 2. Three edges vertices.Basic shape
  3. 3. No dimension.No length or width.
  4. 7. 3D shape.Has right triangles.
  5. 9. Three dimensional object.Square faces
  6. 10. Interval 2 points.Only length.
  7. 11. A vector.2 end points.
  8. 12. Provides comparison.2 numbers.
  9. 14. Amount of space.Measurement.
  10. 15. Intersecting lines.A flat surface.
  11. 17. Bottom of a shape.The object rests.