
  1. 2. 90 degree angle
  2. 3. has a starting point but no ending point
  3. 5. longest side of a right triangle
  4. 11. when sides of a figure are equal to each other
  5. 12. triangles that have the same size and shape
  6. 13. angle greater than 90 degrees
  7. 14. has a formula of y=mx+b
  8. 15. opposite over adjacent
  9. 17. two rays that share an end point
  10. 18. has a formula of a2+b2=c2
  11. 20. expression containing square root
  12. 21. form 90 degree if they cross
  13. 22. part of a line with a starting point and a stopping point
  14. 23. the angle between a side of a polygon and an extended adjacent side
  1. 1. lines that cross but do not make a right angle
  2. 4. angle bisector and median
  3. 6. a part of a line that has two endpoints
  4. 7. opposite over hypotenuse
  5. 8. three postive integers
  6. 9. the angle between adjacent sides of a rectilinear figure
  7. 10. angle less than 90 degrees
  8. 12. adjacent over hypotenuse
  9. 16. any particular spot
  10. 18. lines that never cross
  11. 19. 3.14