
  1. 2. a straight line extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or surface
  2. 4. a rectangle having all four sides of equal length
  3. 6. arc whose measure is greater than a semi-circle (180 degrees).
  4. 7. line segments that do not intersect
  5. 11. the non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
  6. 14. two-line cross and make 90-degree angles
  7. 16. arc whose measure is less than a semi-circle (180 degree).
  8. 17. two angles whose sum is 180 degrees.
  9. 19. a parallelogram having four right angles
  10. 20. a 90-degree angle
  1. 1. of a 3-dimensional figure is the number of cubic units contained in the solid.
  2. 3. a straight line passing through the center of a circle from one side to the other
  3. 5. the intersection point of two sides that form a point
  4. 8. comparison of two numbers by division.
  5. 9. triangle with no sides congruent.
  6. 10. a polygon with 5 sides and 5 angles
  7. 12. an angle less than 90 degrees but greater than 0 degrees
  8. 13. is the number of square units required to cover the figure
  9. 15. a quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other
  10. 18. is the distance around the polygon.