
  1. 4. divides an angle into two equal parts
  2. 7. jsdfshfajash
  3. 8. measured in degrees
  4. 10. another name for height
  5. 12. intersection of two parallel lines
  6. 15. a shape with four right angles
  7. 17. >90
  8. 18. jadfna
  9. 19. space inside a shape
  10. 20. the length of a fence that goes around the outside of your garden
  11. 22. something that is proven
  1. 1. four sided polygons
  2. 2. assumption without proof
  3. 3. exactly 90
  4. 5. adds to 180
  5. 6. sjafkjas
  6. 7. the perimeter of a circle
  7. 9. a switched conclusion and hypothesis
  8. 11. a2+b2=c2
  9. 13. conclusions based on patterns
  10. 14. sjahfhjfaj
  11. 16. all opposite sides are parallel
  12. 21. vjnsjdf