
  1. 1. Region bounded by two radii
  2. 4. distance around a circle
  3. 5. measure the angle that an arc makes at the center of the circle
  4. 8. this is known as the longest chord
  5. 11. arc more than 180
  6. 12. the shape of your head
  7. 13. point in the middle of a circle
  8. 14. conference of any circle divided by its diameter
  1. 1. an arc that equals 180
  2. 2. line line that intersects a circle exactly 1 time
  3. 3. line intersects a circle at two points
  4. 6. arc less that 180
  5. 7. of tangency point that touches a circle
  6. 9. distance from the middle of the circle to any point of the circle
  7. 10. length a fraction of a circles circumference
  8. 12. angles An angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle