
  1. 1. Side-Angle-Side
  2. 4. near the center middle
  3. 7. euclidean, two dimensional surface
  4. 9. 90 degrees as in a corner of a square
  5. 11. always larger than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  6. 13. two figures having the same shape
  7. 14. A line segment from a vertex (corner point)to the midpoint of the opposite point
  8. 17. A dot:primitive notion
  9. 19. the line segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle.
  10. 20. Angle-Side-Angle
  1. 2. one end or slide is at a higher level than the other
  2. 3. i long object
  3. 5. lines lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart
  4. 6. an equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other
  5. 8. Angle-Angle-Side
  6. 10. Hypotnuse leg
  7. 12. Side-Side-Side
  8. 15. usually measured in degrees
  9. 16. present or experienced to a severe or intense degree
  10. 18. lines two lines joined at a common point