
  1. 2. A segment with endpoints at the center and on the circle.
  2. 5. An arc with endpoints on the diameter.
  3. 8. Non-Coplanar lines that never intersect.
  4. 9. A turn around a fixed point called the center of rotation.
  5. 10. Two lines that never intersect.
  6. 11. Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.
  7. 13. A line that intersects the circle in one place.
  8. 19. A flip over the line called the line of reflection.
  9. 20. A line that intersects two or more lines.
  10. 21. A location with no size or shape.
  11. 22. A line that extends indefintely in one direction.
  1. 1. The set of points equidistant from a given point (The Center)
  2. 3. An operation that maps an original figure called the pre-image.
  3. 4. A flat surface made up of points and extends indefinitely in all directions.
  4. 6. A line that intersects the circle in two places.
  5. 7. A segment with endpoints on the circle.
  6. 12. To vertically and/or horizontally slide a figure.
  7. 14. A chord that passes through the center.
  8. 15. Points that lie on the same plane.
  9. 16. Points that lie on the same line.
  10. 17. A portion of the edge of the circle defined by two endpoints.
  11. 18. To enlargement or reduction of a figure.