
  1. 1. arc that is less than 180 degrees
  2. 4. lines that cross at a 90-degree angle
  3. 11. half of a circle
  4. 17. polygon with ten sides
  5. 18. lines lines that will never touch each other
  6. 19. all part of a congruent triangle are congruent
  7. 21. angle angle in circle where the sides are equal to the radius
  8. 23. having the same side and vertex
  9. 24. the whole line in the middle of a circle
  10. 25. bigger than 90 degrees
  11. 26. points that are on the same line
  12. 27. the middle of a line
  13. 31. all sides are congruent
  14. 32. polygon with 4 sides and 2 triangles
  15. 33. polygon with 5 sides and 4 triangles
  16. 34. shape with no sides
  17. 36. a line that goes on in one direction forever
  18. 38. two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  19. 43. angles that together form a straight line
  20. 46. arc an arc that is less than 180 degrees
  21. 48. theorem if two sides squared equal to the biggest side squared
  22. 50. measurement of angles that are equal
  1. 2. points that are on the same plane
  2. 3. part of the circles edge that is made by its two endpoints
  3. 5. two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  4. 6. polygon with 6 sides
  5. 7. quadrilateral with 2 groups of two opposite angles
  6. 8. polygon with 8 sides
  7. 9. a stick that points go on forever
  8. 10. across from each other or go through lines
  9. 12. shape where the opposite sides are equal to each other
  10. 13. a place that has no size
  11. 14. a line that turns an angle into two equal lines
  12. 15. smaller than 90 degrees
  13. 16. angle that is exactly 180 degrees
  14. 20. a line that has its ends on the circle
  15. 22. line that is in the center of a circle and is half of the diameter
  16. 28. two angles and one congruent side
  17. 29. two congruent sides and one angle
  18. 30. a line that goes through a circle only once
  19. 31. shape where all sides are equal to each other
  20. 35. square but a bit bent and has opposite angles
  21. 37. polygon with 3 sides and 1 triangle
  22. 39. surface that's made of dots that go out forever in each direction
  23. 40. arc that is more than 180 degrees
  24. 41. polygon with 9 sides
  25. 42. a line that cuts in a circle twice
  26. 44. an angle that is 90 degrees
  27. 45. two angles that are opposite to the congruent side
  28. 47. polygon with 7 sides
  29. 49. the middle of an angle