
  1. 4. : The point on a coordinate plane where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. It is represented by the coordinates (0,0).
  2. 5. : A straight line, or an equation or expression whose graph is a straight line. If m and b are constants, then mx+b is a linear expression, and a function f defined by f(x)=mx+b is a linear function.
  3. 8. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  4. 9. : The bottom number or expression in a fraction.
  5. 12. : A point where a line or curve meets the vertical axis (the y-axis). The y-intercept of the line y=mx+b is the point (0,b).
  6. 14. : A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid.
  7. 15. : A standard measurement, such as a meter or an hour.
  1. 1. : The distance a number is from 0.
  2. 2. : An integer greater than 1 that can only be written as a product of two whole numbers in one way: as itself multiplied by 1.
  3. 3. : A square root of a is a number b whose square is a. That is, b2=a. If b is a square root of a, then so is −b. If a≥0, “the” square root of a, written √a, is the square root of a that is positive or zero.
  4. 6. : A point where a curve meets the horizontal axis (the x-axis).
  5. 7. : An expression that is multiplied by another expression, or that can be multiplied by another expression to produce a specified result.
  6. 10. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  7. 11. number : One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .
  8. 13. : The values of x where a polynomial is zero. These are the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts of the polynomial’s graph.