
  1. 2. angle less than 90 but more than 0
  2. 4. identical in size and shape
  3. 5. Two lines in a two-dimensional space that do not meet
  4. 8. where lines/points are graphed
  5. 9. interior angles add up to 180
  6. 12. corner of a triangle
  7. 14. an exact location on a line/shape
  8. 15. two lines that meet to make a corner
  1. 1. polygon with 4 sides
  2. 3. a closed figure with 8 sides
  3. 6. adds up to 180 degrees
  4. 7. segment a line with two endpoints
  5. 10. a part of a line that has an endpoint and continues forever in one direction
  6. 11. a closed figure with no sides or vertices
  7. 13. angle an angle that measures 90 degrees