
  1. 4. mirroring a shape of the axis
  2. 5. where two lines meet at an angle
  3. 8. two lines that never touch or intersect
  4. 11. the very middle of a line
  5. 12. a four-sided shape with opposite sides parallel
  6. 13. angles equaling 180 degrees
  7. 15. the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the adjacent side.
  8. 16. how wide something is
  9. 17. a triangle with all equal angles
  10. 20. if a = b, and b = c, then a = c
  11. 24. a line where one side has a stopping point an the other continues on forever.
  12. 25. a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent congruent sides
  13. 26. on a circle, a section of the edge
  14. 27. 3.1415926535...
  15. 28. a shape with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.
  16. 30. a 4 sided parallelogram with all equal sides
  17. 32. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
  18. 33. in the same plane
  19. 34. cutting a line directly in half
  20. 37. moving each point the same distance and length
  21. 39. how long something is
  22. 40. greater than 90 degrees
  23. 42. Less than 90 degrees
  24. 43. has no ending point, straight.
  25. 45. If x=y then x may be replaced by y in any equation or expression.
  26. 47. a round shape with a diameter, circumference, and radius
  27. 48. a straight line through the center of a circle
  1. 1. sharing a side
  2. 2. an angle, line segment, or shape is always congruent to itself.
  3. 3. a place where you graph points
  4. 6. a triangle with all equal sides
  5. 7. a flat surface mad of three points
  6. 9. angles equaling 90 degrees
  7. 10. half of a circle
  8. 14. a²+b²=c²
  9. 18. a line from the center to the edge of a circle
  10. 19. the branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, angles, and dimensions of objects
  11. 21. Lines that intersect at 90 degrees
  12. 22. a line that has two end points
  13. 23. points on the same line
  14. 29. a three sided shape
  15. 30. a triangle with no equal sides
  16. 31. formed by two lines, meeting at a vortex
  17. 33. in a circle, a line whose endpoints are both on the arc of the circle.
  18. 35. a triangle with two equal sides
  19. 36. a 3d shape with a flat base that comes to a point at the top
  20. 38. a parallelogram with equal sides, opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles
  21. 41. a dot with no size or shape
  22. 44. exactly 90 degrees
  23. 45. a shape that has two identical halves
  24. 46. when one figure is inside of another