
  1. 2. event that never happen at the same time
  2. 4. factor multiplied to enlarge a shape
  3. 9. maintains shape but gets bigger
  4. 13. shapes equal and the same
  5. 14. calculating probability when given additional information
  6. 17. uses branches to find probabilities
  7. 18. vertex at the center of the circle
  8. 19. bigger arc containing 3 letters
  9. 20. only touches the circle once
  1. 1. add to 180
  2. 3. when one outcome does not influence another
  3. 5. uses rectangle format to find probability of 2 event
  4. 6. used to prove similar triangles
  5. 7. smaller arc containing 2 letters
  6. 8. a point that divides a line segment into 2 equal parts
  7. 10. vertex touching the outside of the circle
  8. 11. to lines that intersect outside the circle
  9. 12. first and second event occur
  10. 15. mirror image of a shape
  11. 16. a squared plus b squared equals c squared