
  1. 3. this polygon has 8 sides
  2. 5. the total combined area of each face of a 3d objec
  3. 9. cuts in two congruent side but it cuts it at the midpoint
  4. 13. a quadrilateral with two congruent/adjacent sides
  5. 14. dots that are on the same line
  6. 15. it shape has three sides
  7. 16. you have to add all numbers together and then divide
  8. 18. is a prism that where the bases are not parallel to each other
  9. 20. on the triangle has to match the two sides and angle
  10. 21. where the line goes through the x-axis
  11. 23. the base angles are congruent along with each leg
  1. 1. a polygon that has 6 sides
  2. 2. this polygon only has four sides
  3. 4. this quadrilateral has two sets of parallel sides
  4. 6. two legs of this polygon are congruent the base is not congrent
  5. 7. split into two congruent halves
  6. 8. shapes that are the same or the lines that are the same
  7. 10. how long is the polygon edge
  8. 11. when the two triangles have the same ratio for each side
  9. 12. this point is in between the two given points that you was given
  10. 17. in a group of numbers it is the most recurring number
  11. 19. where the line goes through the y-axis
  12. 22. all side if this 6 sided polygon are congruent