
  1. 6. The measurement of length between two points
  2. 9. A quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel sides called bases
  3. 10. Theorem A geometric theorem that states that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle are equal to the square of the hypotenuse. (a2+b2=c2 where a & b are legs and c is the hypotenuse)
  4. 12. Angles Angles that are “across” the vertex and are congruent
  5. 14. A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of consecutive congruent sides, but opposite sides are NOT parallel
  6. 15. Angles Angles that are the same measurement
  7. 16. The mathematical way to demonstrate the truth of a given proposition
  8. 18. Bisector When two rays or line segments intersect and create a 90-degree angle
  9. 19. A statement that can be demonstrated to be true by accepting mathematical operations and arguments
  10. 20. A parallelogram with 4 equal sides
  11. 21. Pair Two angles that create a line and add to 180 degrees
  1. 1. Bisector When a ray or line segment cuts an angle into two equal parts
  2. 2. A parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles
  3. 3. A parallelogram with four right angles
  4. 4. The rate of change of a function. (slope = m, Rise over Run, the change in y over the change in x)
  5. 5. Angles Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  6. 7. Same size and same shape
  7. 8. A statement that is assumed to be true without proof.
  8. 10. A quadrilateral that has two pairs of oppose sides that are parallel
  9. 11. Angles Angles that are “next to” each other and share a common ray
  10. 13. Angles Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  11. 17. The point that is EXACTLY halfway between the endpoints of a line segment