
  1. 4. angles that are less than 90 degrees
  2. 6. angles that are 180 degrees (half of a circle)
  3. 7. lines that cross or touch one another and make one or more 90 degree angles
  4. 10. things measured in degrees, which are represented by the symbol °
  5. 11. angles that are exactly 90 degrees
  6. 12. When two or more lines cross each other and do not create a 90 degree angle.
  1. 1. straight lines with a constant distance between them
  2. 2. a tool we use to measure angles
  3. 3. a straight one-dimensional figure of infinite length with arrows on either end
  4. 5. angles that are greater than 90 degrees
  5. 8. a line with a point on one end and an arrow on the other
  6. 9. a line with two points on either end