
  1. 4. A flat, two-dimensional surface extending infinitely in all directions.
  2. 7. The measure of space inside a two-dimensional shape.
  3. 8. A proven statement or proposition in geometry.
  4. 10. A segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle.
  5. 12. An exact location in space with no size, only position.
  6. 14. A line that intersects two or more lines at distinct points.
  7. 16. A part of a line that starts at a point and extends infinitely in one direction.
  8. 19. A six-sided polygon.
  9. 20. The total length of the sides of a two-dimensional shape.
  10. 21. The point where the three altitudes of a triangle intersect.
  1. 1. The statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement.
  2. 2. The statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement.
  3. 3. Relating to a line or straight path.
  4. 5. Lines or segments that intersect to form right angles.
  5. 6. A line segment drawn from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.
  6. 7. A line from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to one of its sides.
  7. 9. A seven-sided polygon.
  8. 11. The quality of two figures being similar in shape but different in size.
  9. 13. The distance around the edge of a circle.
  10. 15. A ten-sided polygon.
  11. 17. A twelve-sided polygon.
  12. 18. The exact middle point of a line segment.