
  1. 2. two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays
  2. 4. when all interior angles of a polygon are congruent
  3. 8. unproven statement that is based on observations
  4. 9. transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point
  5. 10. line that intersects two or more coplanar lines at different points
  6. 13. consists of an endpoint and an arrow at the other end
  7. 14. has two dimensions and looks like a floor/wall and extends without end
  8. 15. lines, segments, or angles that have the same measure
  9. 16. the ratio of vertical change to horizontal change
  10. 17. represented with an arrow at each end and extends without end
  11. 18. point, ray, line, segment, or plane that intersects at the midpoint
  12. 19. consists of endpoints and all points in-between
  13. 24. two lines that intersect to form a right angle
  14. 25. Process that includes looking for patterns, making observations, and forming conjectures
  15. 26. angle that measures greater than 90 degrees
  16. 27. transformation that uses a line to create a mirror image of a figure
  1. 1. two lines that do not intersect and are coplanar
  2. 3. transformation that moves every point of a figure that same distance in the same direction
  3. 5. angles or segments that occupy the same position
  4. 6. type of triangle where two sides are congruent
  5. 7. when all sides of a polygon are congruent
  6. 9. three sided polygon with a 90 degree angle
  7. 11. Rigid motions (isometry) that maintains angle measure and side length after moving a figure
  8. 12. lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar
  9. 17. two adjacent angles where their sum is 180 degrees
  10. 20. point that divides a segment in to two congruent segments
  11. 21. angle that measures less than 90 degrees
  12. 22. when no side of a triangle are the same length
  13. 23. Using facts, definitions, accepted properties, and laws of logic to form an argument