
  1. 3. a type of triangle that has no equal sides
  2. 5. the measurement of the surface of something
  3. 8. the measurement of a circle from one end to the middle
  4. 10. a type of triangle that does not include the bases
  5. 12. a type of surface area that includes the bases
  6. 14. the measurement of a circle from one ended to another
  7. 16. when 2 or more sides are equal
  8. 18. a triangle that has all equal sides
  9. 19. a triangle that is 90 degrees
  10. 20. a triangle that is greater than 90 degrees
  1. 1. a triangle with 2 equal sides
  2. 2. two lines that cross over to create a right angle
  3. 4. 2 lines/side go the same direction without touching
  4. 6. something that looks the same on both sides
  5. 7. a figure that has at least 3 points and angles
  6. 9. the measurement of the outside boundary of something
  7. 11. a location with no dimensions(dot)
  8. 13. a straight dimensional figure that extends from one point to another
  9. 15. a triangle that is less than 90 degrees
  10. 17. a geometry figure; Ex. Square, circle, triangle