
  1. 2. a theorem is a statement that has been proved, or can be proved.
  2. 3. a hypothesis backed by reasoning, if something were to occur, then something would happen.
  3. 7. the denial or contradiction of something.
  4. 8. a flat or plane, two-dimensional closed shape bounded with straight sides.
  5. 9. reversed or flipped parallel to the original object.
  6. 10. space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  7. 11. the amount of space that an object occupies.
  8. 13. having the same size or shape.
  9. 14. top or apex.
  10. 15. simply put: evidence.
  1. 1. an educated guess or reasoning for something.
  2. 4. the end to something within all context.
  3. 5. to claim as true, real or existent.
  4. 6. within the same line / lying on the same line.
  5. 12. middle or meeting point.