
  1. 3. set of points that has infinite lengths
  2. 5. a line that goes around an enclosed circle
  3. 6. number of cubic units contained
  4. 8. just a point on a map
  5. 10. two triangles are congruent if corresponding if corresponding sides are congruent
  6. 13. a point that divides the segment into two
  7. 15. segment from the vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side
  8. 16. two lines that intersect to form right angles
  9. 18. when you try to guess something before you figure it out
  10. 19. points that lie on the same line
  11. 21. when someone guesses something
  12. 23. two angles whose sum is 180 degrees
  13. 24. a math class
  14. 26. is a prisiom where all sides are square
  15. 28. polygon which is equiliangar
  16. 30. trianle with all angles congruent
  17. 32. the top of something
  18. 33. line in the plane of a circle
  19. 36. two coplanar angles with a common vertex and a common side between them
  20. 38. the non adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
  21. 39. angle whose measure is 180 degrees
  22. 40. union of three or more coplanar segments meets exactly in the middle
  23. 41. segments that have the same length
  24. 42. triangle with at least two sides congrient
  25. 43. parallelogram with a right angle
  26. 44. triangle with a right angle
  27. 45. straight line passing through the center of a figure
  28. 47. the figure formed by three segments joining together all 90 degrees
  29. 48. line ray segment or plane
  30. 49. the amount of something inside of it
  31. 50. triangle that it perpendicular tot he line on the opposite side
  32. 51. triangle with no sides congruent
  1. 1. a ball
  2. 2. when lines cross over each other
  3. 4. triangle with all sides congruent
  4. 7. ray that divides an angle into two congruent adjacent angles
  5. 9. angle whose measure is greater then 90 degrees
  6. 11. triangle with a obtuse angle
  7. 12. two lines are parallel if they are coplanar and do not intersect
  8. 14. an angle with a degree under 90
  9. 17. quadraterial with both pairs of opposite sides parallel
  10. 20. angles that have the same measure
  11. 21. two angles whos sum is 90 degrees
  12. 22. it is the part of line that contains the end point
  13. 25. are noncoplanar lines they will not intersect
  14. 27. set of points
  15. 28. parallelogram with consecutive sides congruent
  16. 29. two lines that intersect to form right angles
  17. 31. triangle with all acute angles
  18. 34. point that don't stay on the same line
  19. 35. part of a line that consists of two points
  20. 37. sum of the area all its face
  21. 46. angle whose measure is 90 degrees