
  1. 3. A line with two endpoints on either side
  2. 5. a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously
  3. 8. A polygon with ten sides
  4. 12. a four-sided polygon, having four edges and four corners
  5. 13. Divides an angle into 2 congruent smaller angles
  6. 14. A polygon with seven sides
  1. 1. Two polygons, angles or lines that are the same
  2. 2. equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
  3. 4. A quadrilateral where all angles and sides are equal to each other
  4. 5. The perimeter of a circle
  5. 6. An angle that is smaller than 180 degrees
  6. 7. A line that has one point and extension forever among the other side with an arrow
  7. 9. An angle that is larger than 180 degrees
  8. 10. A common endpoint of two sides of a polygon or an angle
  9. 11. a continuous portion of a circle. center. an area that is in the middle of some larger region