
  1. 7. A line with an endpoint on each side
  2. 9. an endpoint on one side while the other is infinate
  3. 11. Extends infinitely in both directions
  4. 13. A set of points lying on the same line
  5. 14. A closed figure with three sides
  6. 16. A closed figure with seven sides.
  1. 1. A specific position on a line, plane, or in space
  2. 2. A round body whose surface is at all points equidistant from the center.
  3. 3. The meeting of two faces on a three-dimensional shape.
  4. 4. Extended lines that'll never cross
  5. 5. The distance around the edge of a circle
  6. 6. A closed figure with five sides.
  7. 8. identical in shape and size
  8. 10. Two lines that meet at a vertex
  9. 12. A closed figure with eight sides
  10. 15. A closed four-sided figure with opposite parallel lines