Geometry B Unit 5 Vocabulary

  1. 3. events or states that cannot occur at the same time
  2. 6. a selection of objects in which order is not important
  3. 8. a graphic organizer representing relationships among groups or sets
  4. 9. the probability of an event occurring based on experimental data calculations
  5. 10. to apply what is known to confirm an expected result
  6. 14. two or more events that happen at the same time
  7. 16. a possible result of an experiment
  8. 18. the likelihood that a given event will occur
  9. 19. all elements in the universal set except those in the given set
  10. 21. the set of all possible for a given situation
  11. 23. events in which the outcome of one does not affect the outcome of the other
  12. 24. the probability of an event occurring in theory as determined logically using counting methods; the number of desired outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes
  1. 1. a probability that involves a geometric measure such as length, area, or volume
  2. 2. the set containing all of the elements from all of another given group of sets
  3. 4. an arrangement of items in a specific order
  4. 5. the principle stating that the probability of an event approaches the probability of the event as the number of trials approaches infinity
  5. 6. the probability that a specific event will occur, given that another specific event has already occurred
  6. 7. the set containing the elements that are common to all of another given group of sets
  7. 11. the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the number given; denoted with an exclamation point
  8. 12. a table that shows data classified in two different ways
  9. 13. to accept as true without proof
  10. 15. set the set with no elements
  11. 17. an individual item in a set
  12. 20. the occurrence of a possible outcome
  13. 22. a set containing all elements under consideration