  1. 1. The segment joining any two points on the circumference of the circle.
  2. 6. An angle that is one fourth of a circle.
  3. 8. Two lines that form right angles where they intersect.
  4. 9. The longest chord.
  5. 10. An angle that measures 180 degree
  6. 11. Two lines that never cross or touch.
  7. 13. Straight path that has a begining but no ending.
  8. 14. Two angles that are next to each other.
  9. 16. A straight path that has a beginning and an ending.
  10. 18. An angle that measures more than 180 degree but less than 360 degree.
  11. 19. Two rays that have a common end point.
  1. 2. Plural of radius.
  2. 3. The sum of all its angle is 360 degree.
  3. 4. An angle that measures more than 90 degree but less than 180 degree.
  4. 5. When a figure is folded in half and the two halves match perfectly.
  5. 7. A seven-sided polygon.
  6. 8. Math tool used for measuring or drawing angles.
  7. 12. A straight path that goes on infinitely in either direction.
  8. 15. A unit used to measure an angle.
  9. 17. A point where two arms of an angles begin or meet.
  10. 19. An angle that measures more than 0 degree but less than 90 degree.