Geometry Definition

  1. 5. An angle whose measure is more
  2. 6. A two-dimensional, closed, four-sided figure with four right angles.
  3. 7. Sides that are the same length.
  4. 8. is a part of the line which is having two end points.
  5. 9. A special type of rectangle that has equilateral sides and parallel opposite sides.
  6. 13. right angles.
  7. 15. Line segments in geometric figures that compose the exterior of the object.
  8. 16. Two lines in a two-dimensional space that do not meet.
  9. 17. Without a curve.
  10. 22. Identical in size and shape.
  11. 23. 90° and less than 180°.
  12. 25. Two angles with equal measure
  13. 26. It is a flat surface that extends indefinitely in all directions.
  14. 27. lines that lie in the same plane and meet in a point.
  15. 28. A set of points that extend infinitely in opposite directions is called a line.
  1. 1. The point on a line that is at an equal distance from either end
  2. 2. Two lines that meet to make a corner.
  3. 3. Sum of measure equals 180 degrees
  4. 4. Sum of measure equals 90 degrees
  5. 10. The angle between a side of a rectangular figure and an adjacent side extended outward.
  6. 11. An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees
  7. 12. A flat surface that extends endlessly in all directions.
  8. 14. An angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  9. 18. a part of a line with one end point.
  10. 19. by two intersecting lines.
  11. 20. Two lines that intersect to
  12. 21. A specific position on a line, plane, or in Space.
  13. 24. A closed figure with three sides.