  1. 2. Ratio between circumference and diameter of a circle.
  2. 6. Infinite line.
  3. 7. Angle of exactly 90 degrees.
  4. 8. Distance between point x and y.
  5. 9. Natural number greater than 1.
  6. 12. Angle between two intersecting arcs of great circles of a sphere.
  7. 14. Line that start from point A.
  1. 1. Radians angle unit.
  2. 3. Same shapes, not same size.
  3. 4. Equivalence of geometric shapes and size.
  4. 5. Perpendicular lines (90 angle).
  5. 10. Line from point A to point B.
  6. 11. A measurement of a plane angle.
  7. 13. Arc from point A to point B.
  8. 15. Formed by two rays .