  1. 4. Name of this " ∑∑" symbol
  2. 5. Name of this "MR" symbol
  3. 6. half the population is below this value "Md"
  4. 9. Name of this "Bin(n,p) " symbol
  5. 10. Name of this "Px,y" symbol
  6. 11. a guassian distribution " N(μ,σ2)"
  7. 12. Name of this "exp(λ) " symbol
  8. 14. middle value of random variable x "x͂"
  9. 15. Name of this "μ" symbol
  1. 1. it is a equal probability in range "U(a,b)"
  2. 2. Name of this "Geom(p)" symbol
  3. 3. value that occurs most frequently in population "Mo"
  4. 7. Name of this "s" symbol
  5. 8. sum of all values in range of series "∑"
  6. 13. this symbol is population values "σ²"