Geometry Terms

  1. 1. The line that a figure can be rotated about so that the image corresponds with the preimage.
  2. 3. The perpendicular segment from the vertex to the plane containing the base.
  3. 4. A composition of a translation and a reflection across a line parallel to the translation vector.
  4. 7. A combination of transformations.
  5. 9. The set of all points outside a polygon.
  6. 10. The flat circular surface of the cone.
  7. 11. In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the hypotenuse to the length of the side opposite the angle.
  8. 12. An equation that is true for all values of the variable.
  9. 13. The curved surface of a cone.
  10. 16. see reduction.
  11. 20. A line that divides a plane figure into two congruent reflected halves.
  12. 25. The angle formed by a horizontal line and a line of sight to a point above.
  13. 27. The intersection of a three-dimensional figure and a plane.
  14. 28. Two vectors that have the same magnitude and the same direction.
  15. 29. A circle that is tangent to each side of a polygon.
  16. 32. see reflection.
  17. 34. The region between two concentric circles.
  18. 36. See enlargement
  19. 38. A method of adding two vectors by placing the tail of the second vector on the head of the first vector; the su is the vector drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second.
  20. 39. Half of a sphere.
  21. 40. One of the two nonparallel sides of the trapezoid.
  22. 41. see isometry.
  23. 42. a part of a cone with two circular parallel bases.
  24. 45. The system of geometry described by Euclid. In particular, this system of geometry satisfies the Parallel Postulate.
  25. 46. The smallest angle through which a figure with rotational symmetry can be rotated to coincide with itself.
  26. 47. Coplanar circles with the same center.
  27. 48. An edge of a prism or pyramid that is not an edge of a base.
  1. 1. The angle formed by a horizontal line and a line of sight to a point above.
  2. 2. The orientation of a vector, which is determined by the angle the vector makes with a horizontal line.
  3. 5. A transformation that does not change the size or shape of a figure.
  4. 6. A circle on a sphere that divides the sphere into two hemispheres.
  5. 8. The point around which a figure is rotated.
  6. 14. A way of drawing three-dimensional figures using isometric dot paper, which has equally spaced dots in a repeating triangular pattern.
  7. 15. One of a pair of consecutive angles whose common side is a base of the trapezoid.
  8. 17. The perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to one of its sides.
  9. 18. A shape that results from a transformation of a figure known as the preimage.
  10. 19. A dilation that produces an image larger than its preimage.
  11. 21. A transformation that changes the size of a figure but not its shape.
  12. 22. The point inside a sphere that is equidistant from every point on the sphere.
  13. 23. A polyhedron with 12 faces.
  14. 24. a trapezoid in which the legs are congruent.
  15. 26. A segment of a secant that lies in the exterior of a circle with one endpoint on the circle.
  16. 27. A polygon whose sides are all tangent to the same circle.
  17. 30. A line that is tangent to two circles.
  18. 31. The form of a vector that lists the vertical and horizontal change from the initial point to the terminal point.
  19. 33. The starting point of a vector.
  20. 35. The line that comes closest to all the points in a data set.
  21. 37. a polyhedron with 20 faces.
  22. 43. Cosine, The measure of an angle whose cosine ratio is known.
  23. 44. The horizontal line in a perspective drawing that contains the vanishing point(s).