Geometry triangles-quadrilaterals

  1. 2. segment connecting midpoints
  2. 5. point in the middle of a segment
  3. 7. more than 90° angle
  4. 8. it has 4 sides
  5. 11. it has 2 pairs of congruent consecutive sides
  6. 12. it has one pair of parallel sides
  7. 14. they add up to 180°
  8. 15. less than 90° angle
  9. 16. it has 4 congruent sides
  10. 18. it has 2 pairs of parallel sides
  11. 19. they never intersect
  12. 20. it is round
  1. 1. 90° angle
  2. 3. type of triangles with 3 congruent sides
  3. 4. they add up to 90°
  4. 6. type of triangles with 2 congruent sides
  5. 9. it has 3 sides
  6. 10. segment connecting 2 opposite vertices
  7. 13. it has 2 pairs of congruent sides and 4 right angles
  8. 17. it has 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles