Geometry Vocab

  1. 2. 2 points with a continuous part of a circle in between them
  2. 4. Part of a line that consists of 2 points called endpoints
  3. 6. For an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute angle to the measure of the hypotenuse.
  4. 8. Segment that connects 2 points on the circle
  5. 9. The part of the line segment that contains the endpoint and every point going the opposite direction
  6. 11. Line that intersects circle in 2 places
  7. 13. Set of points with infinite length but a width and height of 0
  8. 14. A prism with 6 sides, all of which are squares
  9. 15. A^2 + B^2 = C^2
  10. 16. For an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute angle to the measure of the hypotenuse.
  11. 17. The distance around a polygon
  12. 24. Any shape with 4 sides
  13. 25. Shape with interior angles adding up to 180 degrees
  14. 26. Parallelogram with 4 right angles
  15. 28. Equation stating 2 ratios are equal to each other
  16. 29. The statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional statement.
  17. 31. [] Angle measuring between 91 and 179 degrees
  18. 34. Branch of Math that deals with points, lines, planes, etc. and looks at their properties
  19. 36. In a conditional statement the statement that immediately follows the word ‘if’
  20. 38. A statement that describes a fundamental relationship between basic terms of geometry. Accepted as true without proof.
  21. 39. The exact location on a coordinate plane
  22. 40. Parallelogram with consecutive sides equal in length
  23. 41. [] Angle measuring exactly 90 degrees
  24. 43. Number of cubic units kept in a prism
  25. 44. In a conditional statement the statement that immediately follows the word ‘then’
  1. 1. Quadrilateral with opposite parallel ends
  2. 3. An educated guess based on known information.
  3. 5. Congruent circular bases connected by parallel planes
  4. 7. [] Angle measuring at exactly 180 degrees
  5. 8. Has a vertex and circular base
  6. 10. [] Angle measuring between 0 and 89 degrees
  7. 12. A chord going straight through the center of a circle
  8. 14. The distance around a circle
  9. 16. Parallelogram with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides
  10. 17. A logical argument in which each statement you make is supported by a statement that is accepted as true
  11. 18. Comparing 2 numbers using division
  12. 19. Point that divides a segment into 2 smaller segments
  13. 20. Quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel sides
  14. 21. Half of a circle
  15. 22. Set of points with an infinite length and width but a height of 0
  16. 23. Line in the plane of the circle that intersects it at one point
  17. 27. A set of infinite 2d points at equal distance from a center point
  18. 30. Union of 3 or more segments that're coplanar that only meet at endpoints
  19. 32. Segment joining the 2 base planes and perpendicular to both
  20. 33. A line, ray, segment, or plane that divides a segment into 2 congruent parts
  21. 35. Congruent polygons lying in parallel planes
  22. 36. Only tileable shape that doesn't infinitely self divide
  23. 37. A set of infinite points equal distance from a center point in 3d
  24. 40. A line segment that shows the distance between the center and edge of a circle
  25. 42. Set of all points