Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 2. An angle with a measure greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.
  2. 4. A triangle having all three sides the same length.
  3. 6. A figure with eight sides and eight angles.
  4. 8. A figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
  5. 10. Two angles whose measure add up to 90 degrees.
  6. 14. A triangle having two sides of equal length.
  7. 15. A figure with four straight sides and four right angles, especially with unequal adjacent sides.
  8. 16. A figure with five straight sides and five angles.
  9. 18. A unit of measure of angles in geometry.
  10. 19. A figure with six straight sides and six angles.
  11. 20. An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees.
  12. 21. An angle with a measure greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees.
  1. 1. Two angles whose measure add up to 180 degrees.
  2. 3. A triangle having three sides of unequal length.
  3. 5. A part of a line that has two endpoints.
  4. 7. A part of a line that has one endpoint and continues on forever in one direction.
  5. 9. A figure with three straight sides and three angles.
  6. 11. Figures identical in form.
  7. 12. An angle that measures exactly 180 degrees.
  8. 13. An endless straight path with no endpoints.
  9. 17. An exact location in space.