Geometry Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. line measures 180°
  2. 4. lines two lines in the same plane but do not intersect
  3. 6. angles angles that are opposite of one another
  4. 7. overlapping congruent figures
  5. 8. lines two lines that intersect at right angles
  6. 11. all side equal
  7. 14. angles angles that have the same relative positions in a figure
  8. 15. two rays with the same endpoint
  9. 16. angles formed at an intersection with one common side
  10. 17. polygon closed figured
  11. 18. having the vertex and one side in common
  1. 1. turn about a pivot point
  2. 2. angles two angles measure 180°
  3. 3. mirror image
  4. 5. lines two lines that cross
  5. 7. a line that crosses two or more lines
  6. 9. angles two angles measure 90°
  7. 10. of symmetry one half is the reflection of the other half.
  8. 12. slide without twisting
  9. 13. interior angles pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but INSIDE the two lines
  10. 14. the same (everything is equal)