geometry words

  1. 3. 4 sides shape, 2 short sides equal, 2 long sides equal
  2. 8. lines that will never cross
  3. 10. equal
  4. 13. where 2 or more angles meet
  5. 15. angle inside shape
  6. 16. cut in half
  7. 17. a shape with 9 sides
  8. 22. angles across from each other
  9. 23. equal sides and all angles 90 degrees
  10. 24. opposite sides equal and angles are equal or add up to be 180
  11. 26. four sided shape
  12. 28. shape with 10 sides
  13. 29. opposite sides parallel
  14. 31. sides that have an endpoint in common
  1. 1. lines cross and make 4 90 degree angles
  2. 2. sides and angles do not have to be congruent
  3. 4. angles that add up to 180
  4. 5. angle outside shape
  5. 6. angle connected to the base
  6. 7. curved side of a shape
  7. 9. 2 lines cut by a transversal
  8. 11. has all congruent sides and angles
  9. 12. line splitting triangles sides equally
  10. 14. 4 sided shape 90 degree angles sides not all egual
  11. 18. sides sides across from each other
  12. 19. length in between opposite angles
  13. 20. the bottom of a shape
  14. 21. point directly in the middle of a line
  15. 25. a square but shifted
  16. 27. four sides, one set parallel other sides go in towards each other
  17. 30. side connected to 90 degree angle on a triangle