geometry words

  1. 2. triangles that have three congruent sides
  2. 4. the original shape
  3. 5. Two angles formed by intersecting lines
  4. 7. angle must be in between the two angles
  5. 8. The middle point between two points
  6. 11. Two angles that share a vertex
  7. 12. horizontal line
  8. 15. on a right triangle
  9. 18. Two angles that equal 180 Degrees
  10. 21. inside an acute triangle
  11. 24. The distance between two points
  12. 25. Two angles that form a line
  1. 1. rises from left to right
  2. 3. falls from left to right
  3. 6. Two angles that equal 90 Degrees
  4. 9. side must be in between the two angles
  5. 10. side must not be between two angles
  6. 13. spin a shape about a fixed point
  7. 14. center of an inscribed circle
  8. 16. only sides will be marked
  9. 17. Always inside the triangle
  10. 19. vertical line
  11. 20. enlarge or reduce a shape
  12. 22. polygon with all equal sides and angles
  13. 23. moves shape up,down,left,or right