
  1. 5. of or pertaining to two numbers related by a congruence.
  2. 7. the side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite the right angle
  3. 10. A prism is a polyhedron, with two parallel faces called bases. The other faces are always parallelograms. The prism is named by the shape of its base.
  4. 11. can bisect lines, angles, and more.
  5. 12. bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony.
  6. 18. straight line which links two points without extending beyond them
  7. 20. A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex
  8. 22. Passing through or lying on the same straight line.
  9. 23. any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action
  10. 24. neither parallel nor at right angles to a specified or implied line; askew; crooked
  11. 26. in the period separating
  12. 27. a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.
  13. 29. the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.
  14. 30. Something that indicates a border or limit.
  15. 33. a solid generated by rotating a right triangle about one of its legs —called also right circular cone
  16. 34. A polygon that has one or more interior angles greater than 180°
  17. 36. A line which starts at a point with given coordinates, and goes off in a particular direction to infinity, possibly through a second point.
  18. 38. a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding surface
  19. 39. to assume as a postulate.
  20. 41. the act or result of construing, interpreting, or explaining
  21. 42. the length of a straight line through the center of an object
  22. 44. A plane shape (two-dimensional) with straight sides.
  23. 45. Mathematics The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.
  24. 46. completing or enhancing something.
  1. 1. Being an equal distance apart everywhere:
  2. 2. The geometry of planar figures.
  3. 3. An angle whose measure is greater than 90° and less than 180°
  4. 4. without fixed limits; indefinite in form, extent, or application
  5. 5. a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a straight line in at most two points
  6. 6. an angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square or at the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines.
  7. 8. is a deductive argument for a mathematical statement
  8. 9. Two rays with a common endpoint that point in opposite directions and form a straight line.
  9. 13. A geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin
  10. 14. A Face is a flat surface of a three-dimensional figure.
  11. 15. A solid bounded by polygons
  12. 16. The boundary line of a circle.
  13. 17. Something that indicates a border or limit.
  14. 19. When two lines intersect, four angles are formed. The angles that are directly opposite to each other are called Opposite Angles.
  15. 21. a special kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes.
  16. 22. Passing through or lying on the same straight line.
  17. 25. Either of two angles having a common side and a common vertex.
  18. 28. Two angles that are adjacent (share a leg) and supplementary (add up to 180°)
  19. 31. any particular extent of space or surface
  20. 32. a round solid figure, or its surface, with every point on its surface equidistant from its center.
  21. 35. Vertical Angles are the angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  22. 37. The measure of an angle with a measure between 0° and 90° or with less than 90° radians.
  23. 40. The line that divides something into two equal parts.
  24. 41. being or operating in the same plane
  25. 43. is one of the most basic curvilinear geometric shapes,
  26. 47. A precise location or place on a plane. Usually represented by a dot.
  27. 48. a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space