
  1. 2. a device for measuring segments
  2. 5. a line or a plane that intersects a segment at a midpoint
  3. 7. number assigment to a point
  4. 10. No dimension,usually represented by a small dot
  5. 13. the set of points that two or more geometric figures have in common
  6. 14. line segment
  7. 15. the rays are the of an angle
  8. 18. triangle a triangle with three acute angles
  9. 19. Point points that lie on the same line
  10. 20. triangle a triangle with one obtuse angle
  1. 1. lines two lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar
  2. 2. triangle a triangle with one right angle
  3. 3. the initial point
  4. 4. two lines that intersect to form a right angle
  5. 6. point exactly in the middle
  6. 7. line segments and angles that have the same measurement
  7. 8. a device for measuring angles
  8. 9. set of all points
  9. 11. line line with a one to one corresponderce between points on the line&the real numbers
  10. 12. a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines at different points
  11. 16. Part of a line that consists of two points
  12. 17. Points points that lie on the same plane