
  1. 3. lines on the same plane which are the same distance apart over the entire length
  2. 6. A circle which is drawn around another shape
  3. 8. The point where angle bisectors meet in a triangle or polygon
  4. 9. a line that starts at a given point and goes off forever in some direction
  5. 10. Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  6. 15. Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  7. 18. A transformation where a figure is turned about a given point
  8. 19. an object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin
  9. 23. The points at which a line segment or ray ends
  10. 24. A transformation where each point in a shape appears at equal distance on the opposite side of a given line
  11. 25. A line that cuts an angle into two equal parts
  1. 1. Moving a figure to a new location with no other changes
  2. 2. a flat surface that is infinitely large with zero thickness
  3. 3. A line which cuts another line segment into two equal parts at exactly 90 degrees
  4. 4. points lying on a single line
  5. 5. Two angles that are adjacent and supplementary
  6. 7. A transformation that does not alter the size or shape of a figure
  7. 11. lying in the same plane
  8. 12. lines that meet and cross at right angles
  9. 13. A circle which is drawn inside another shape
  10. 14. a precise location or place on a plane
  11. 15. The point where three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle meet
  12. 16. The original position of a figure before a transformation
  13. 17. A line which cuts another line segment into two equal parts
  14. 20. A line that is bounded by two distinct end points
  15. 21. The new position of a figure after a transformation
  16. 22. The halfway point of a line segment